Reach Ability believes that every person should have the opportunity to live the life that they choose to live. If one of those choices is to secure employment and be financially independent, then we will support each person to make that a reality. We have several routes to assist with securing employment as detailed below.
Community Employment Scheme
This is a Government assisted scheme sponsored by SOLAS. We have 15 places available on this scheme and these are located in Bellefield Design and Kilcannon Garden Centre and Restaurant.
Community Services Programme
This is a Government assisted scheme sponsored by Pobal. We have 10 places available on this scheme and it has proven to be extremely successful both for the candidate involved in the scheme and for the social enterprises of Reach Ability.
Work Experience Placements
As part of our InTuition Vocational training programme, we secure work placement for our students within Kilcannon Garden Centre and Restaurant, Astro Active Centre and Bellefield Design. These social enterprises provide a wealth of opportunity for students to experience different aspects of a work environment and discover where both their interest and skill base lies. Students have gained experience is areas such as:
- Restaurant service
- Food preparation and kitchen hygiene
- Retail
- Planting and potting
- Stores and stock management
- Clerical work
- Fitness centre maintenance and cleanliness
- Gym equipment maintenance and cleanliness
- Astro pitch maintenance
- Making picture frames
- Interacting with customers and work colleagues
To broaden the scope of experience, many Wexford businesses partner with Reach Ability with a view to providing work experience and recruitment solutions. Small, independently run businesses and larger, national companies have all recruited candidates who have expressed interest in securing employment. Some of these appointments have been on a temporary basis and some have been permanent.
For full details of the application procedure and admission policies for our employment schemes , contact us.