Tag Archives: Active

Astro Active Summer Camp Dates announced

When school’s out for summer, and Hallowe’en and Easter too, our Astro Camps are here to entertain! A week-long programme of activities includes a variety of sports to give the child a well-rounded sports experience and also arts and crafts, baking and movie time.  We include sports in the itinerary to give children a flavour […]

FAI Soccer Blitz

Some of our service users attended the FAI Adult Service Blitz Day Wednesday 4th May at North End United in Wexford town. A total of 21 individuals from CWCW, along with other individuals from Rehab Care services in Wexford and Kilkenny took part in the 5 aside soccer games, running from 11 am-1 pm with 10 […]

Castlebridge VW Upcycle Project

  Noel Murphy and Eric O’Brien in the Castlebridge Hub have been busy upcycling and transforming an old bedside locker using a fantastically cool VW theme. Well done lads – there could be a business in this!!! Follow the story of the locker below… The original: Stage 1: Stage 2: The basic design: A bit […]