Category Archives: InTuition

InTuition Awards Ceremony

InTuition graduation ceremony

  On Wednesday, December 11th, InTuition learners, friends, and family members gathered at the Dill and Pickle Restaurant for a heart-warming awards ceremony. This special evening recognized the hard work and dedication of InTuition learners. This certainly marked a significant milestone in their personal and professional development journeys.   Celebrating Success The highlight of the […]

New Lift for Kilcannon which will take us to another level…

Sarah Louise tests out the new lift

  In January of this year we were successful in securing a grant from the “Dormant Accounts Fund Scaling Fund for Social Enterprises Strand 1 – Medium-Scale Capital Projects for Social Enterprises”.   After sourcing the most competitive prices and value for money, this grant has allowed us to purchase a wheelchair passenger lift installed […]

InTuition Coffee Morning

Today, InTuition Vocational Training, Enniscorthy held their coffee morning in Kilcannon Garden Centre. Staff were on hand to welcome prospective learners, past learners, stakeholders and supporters. In attendance were Deputy Paul Kehoe, Councillor John O’ Rourke and Councillor Kathleen Codd Nolan along with representatives from youth and education organisations throughout the County.  The event was […]

Enniscorthy Guardian Article on InTuition Graduation

Proud day for Community Workshop ‘InTuition’ students MARIA PEPPER Students who successfully completed a National QQI Major Award in Employability Skills were congratulated on their achievement at a certification ceremony in Enniscorthy. The two-year InTuition Vocational Training Programme is run by County Wexford Community Workshop with funding from Waterford Wexford Education and Training Board  and is […]